We will be closed from December 24th to January 4th included.

Stoppers of excellence:
the best seal to ensure the quality of wines

Performance warranty

Constant and uniform endurance


Tailor made, precise in detail and long lasting

Innovative materials

Multi component stopper with technopolymers or BIOplastic

Elite Organic



What our customers say about us

Who better than a satisfied customer can talk about us...

Laurent Ponsot

Laurent Ponsot

Produire des vins naturels et authentiques, respectant la diversité du terroir Bourguignon est ma passion. Les protéger dans leur vie future pour qu’ils soient bus dans le même respect, mais avec plaisir, est mon devoir. La technologie du 21ème siècle est une phase de l’histoire deux fois millénaire de la Bourgogne. Utiliser les obturateurs Ardeaseal sur toutes nos bouteilles depuis 2008 est donc loin du paradoxe. Basé sur l'observation scientifique du bouchon de liège, l'obturateur Ardeaseal en reprent toutes les qualités, mais pas les défauts. C'est le bouchon idéal!

Laurent Ponsot Morey St Denis, Bourgogne, France

Walter Massa

Walter Massa

Da secoli, in parallelo, l'uomo e il vino scrivono pagine di civiltà. Il rispetto per queste storie è impegno civico che muta con i tempi. Mantenere la qualità che esprime l’uva diviene un atto dovuto verso il consumatore. Per l'obiettivo basta applicare ciò che il presente ci permette. Unico costo: IL GUARDARE OLTRE.

Vigneti Massa, Monleale, Alessandria, ItaliaWalter Massa

Mac Forbes

Frank Cornelissen

I first discovered the Ardeaseal® closure back in 2008 when it was called Gualaseal, being part of a search and research for excellence and improvements. As of 2015 we implemented this closure not only for our top wine, Magma®, but to all our wines, as Ardeaseal® for me is the best technical closure for unaltered organoleptic precision of the wine, long aging capacity, equal oxygen exchange for each closure thus avoiding bottle differences and, last but not least, eliminating wine taint. In few words: the holy grail of wine closures.

Frank Cornelissen, Etna northern valley, Sicily

Juan Cascant

Juan Cascant

Aunque nuestro proyecto está basado en la recuperación y el retorno a las raíces, esto no implica que no apostemos por la tecnología y el conocimiento. La tecnología y el conocimiento han de estar al servicio de las personas, y han de ser útiles para poder ofrecer productos naturales en las mejores condiciones.

Celler La Muntanya, Muro, Alacant, España

Pajzos - Tokai

Ungheria - Hungary - Hongrie


area press

Exibitions and events

Our next events to the main international trade fairs

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Press Area

In this section are available materials for printing

Latest News

SITEVI 2019 Montpellier 26 - 28 Novembre 2019
Montpellier – Francia - HALL A03 Stand 040
news SIMEI
SIMEI 2019 Milano 19 - 22 Novembre 2019
Milano - Italia - PAD. 15 Stand H02
news SIMEI
Le Donne del Vino 28 - 30 Giugno 2019
Castiglione di Sicilia - Catania

news SIMEI
Radici del Sud 4 - 10 Giugno 2019
Sannicandro - Bari

Grandi Vini Interview

On ne lache pas la grappe - Le bouchon ultime dimension du vin

ArdeaSeal technology

Discover the technology of our closures.

CORO Développement Srl
P IVA: 02430030060
Strada Ronco Riccarda, 2/3
15057 - Tortona (AL) Italy
Tel. 39 0131 031 021
